Friday, February 20, 2015

Photoshop Fun

Multimedia students have been working with Mrs. Lafond on honing their photoshop skills by learning basic editing techniques, how to create animated GIF's, and creating banner images for Deerpark's webpage.  Check out their amazing work below.  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Berlin Boxing Club Gallery Walk

Students in Mr. Garcia, Mr. Williams, and Ms. Sladovnik's classes recently went back in time to travel to pre-holocaust Berlin.  Students were immersed in the culture, stories and environment that the book embodied.  Some students had their first visit virtually to the Dachau Concentration Camp, learned about the struggles of Max Schmelling, the famous boxer, and learned about survivor stories from The Holocaust.  

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Holding the Human Heart

Mr. Lyon's 7th grade science classes worked with the Daqri Human Body App to explore the human heart.  Students were able to zoom in and see the tri-cuspid and bicuspid valves up close.  They could see the blood flow, and turn features on and off on the heart to see various parts of the heart.  Students could also spin their target paper to see a 360 view of the human heart as well.  The experience went beyond looking at a picture of the human heart in a book or worksheet.  

Monday, February 9, 2015

Mapping in Minecraft

Mrs. Kobren's 8th grade science classes were able to explore contour maps using the popular building game, Minecraft.  In this educational version of minecraft, students were transported to a world where they initially had to build the contour lines on the map.  After they completed that task, Mrs. Kobren had a discussion about the lines and what they mean on the map.  Students then were given the contour lines and had to build a new mountain based on the lines.  All in all, the experience expanded the students knowledge of topographical maps, and they scored higher than the other 8th grade students on the benchmark assessment questions that covered topographical maps than the other 8th grade students!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Making Movies, One Picture at a Time

Ms. Stoeffler's art students researched famous artists and then created Lego minisets to create stop animation videos in our Next Gen Library using the Lego Movie Maker App.  Students were able to explain in detail information about why their artists became artists, how they became artists, and what kind of artwork they produced.  They also built sets and props using class Legos to feature in their film.   

Monday, February 2, 2015

Deerpark Teachers go into Spring Training

Several Deerpark teachers have been attending the McNeil Vertical Learning Community App Smash Professional Development Series.  Teachers get the opportunity to explore various web applications and how to apply them to student learning.  They also were given time to create various lessons using the apps that they discovered during the training.