Throughout the years, I've coached teams that were good, bad, inspiring, and just plain amazing. But my very favorite part of coaching comes from seeing a kid who never speaks, grow to be comfortable presenting their research in front of experts, or eloquently discussing their program strategy with engineers. Patience is needed to observe this sweet moment of growth, but it is worth every long evening, every Saturday, and every moment away from my own family.
This year, I was able to experience my "proud coach" feeling much earlier in the season. I have three veterans, and one of them was running for President of the club. When this kid walked into the doors of robotics his first year at Deerpark Middle School, he was quiet and timid. He was always a grounded student, and has rightfully earned the nickname "The Voice of Reason" in the chaos of meetings. He kept me organized and on task. This year, this student let me know, he wanted to run for president. As he gave his speech, I saw the certainty in him that I sometimes have to wait entire season to see in students. He spoke in front of the entire group with confidence and grace, and although his competition was fierce, he was voted as our 2014-2015 robotics president.
Building robots with Legos is always a cool thing, but building up students is even cooler.
Great story, thanks!